The Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület’s (Transylvanian Museum Society) Jakó Zsigmond Kutatóintézet (Zsigmond Jakó Research Center) invited several members of our research team to present papers on their research connected to the Principality of Transylvania.
On 17 January 2025, our PI, Gábor Kármán, presented an overview of our research team and findings on the diplomacy of small states on the borders of the Habsburg and Ottoman Empires. In addition to introducing the individual members and their work, he also detailed the project’s future research plans and publications.
After this overview, other project members introduced their research and its connections to the project. Zsuzsanna Cziráki explored the different levels on which the Transylvanian Saxons’ diplomacy operated. She presented how their diplomacy could serve both in favor of the prince’s interests or against them. After this, Zsuzsanna Hámori Nagy gave a paper on the Transylvanian princes’ French diplomatic connections. After this, a less-known episode from the beginning of the 1660s, the Kemény faction’s attempt at diplomatic contacts with the Habsburgs was detailed by Ágnes Szalai.